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Academic Information and Support

Academic Support Services

The teacher should always be the first point of contact for any academic/curriculum concerns. Teacher contact information can be found on the Redwood website (click here).  

  • If a student is worried about a class, they should talk to the teacher and let them know their concerns. Examples of when to contact your teacher:
    • Questions about a grade on an assignment
    • Low test/quiz score
    • Missing assignments
    • Missed class time due to an absence
    • Not understanding concepts or lessons  
  • Communication should take place as soon as there are challenges, rather than waiting until grades become official at the end of each semester.
  • Teachers will work directly with the student if they know the student is having a problem.

Teachers and counselors recommend the student be the person to contact us. This encourages self advocacy, developing relationships and independent skills.  The student can copy the parent on the email rather than the other way around.

Teacher Office Times: Many teachers have times when they will see students outside of SMART to offer additional help. Students should make a list of times when teachers are available and go see them if help is needed.

SMART: Mandatory time for students to utilize resources that they feel would benefit them. Resource options include: help from a teacher, utilizing computer labs/library, working individually/in groups, or reading.  Students need to get a SMART Period pass before SMART Period.  Students should give the SMART Period pass to the SMART Period teacher upon entering the room at the beginning of SMART Period.  The SMART Period teacher will sign the pass and return it to the student.  The student takes the pass to the destination listed on the pass.

Peer Tutoring: If a student needs individualized help in a specific subject, they may be able to sign up for a peer tutor. This would match the student with another student who can work with them one-on-one to focus on one or two particular classes. M, T, after school for 1 hour in the Library.

Math Tutoring: This is provided by Redwood High School math teachers. All sessions are 1 hour long.  Feel free to drop in on an as-needed basis or come for every session.  Help in the following math levels: Algebra Foundations, Algebra 1-2, Geometry A 1-2, Geometry 1-2, Intermediate and Advanced Algebra.

College & Career Center (room 111) is the place for students to find scholarships, community service postings, summer & international programs, applications for work permits, and jobs. Students can find current information on hundreds of colleges, universities and vocational schools in the College & Career Center. They can meet college admissions representatives during the fall. The representatives are on campus before school and during lunch periods. Students may use the computers in the Center to access information on careers, colleges, and scholarships, and can work on their college applications. Students may also checkout materials on careers and colleges.

Internships: Students should make an appointment with Greg Davison. Davison is located in the College & Career Center on Tuesdays.  He can be reached at either or (415) 458-3484.

How do I share a concern with my teacher?

Step 1             

Student talks with Teacher

Step 2

Student and Parent talk with Teacher

Step 3

Student and Parent talk with Counselor

Step 4

Student and Parent talk with Teacher, Counselor, and Assistant Principal

Step 5

Student and Parent meet with Teacher, Counselor, Assistant Principal, and Principal                                                                                                 

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