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RHS School Counseling Events

Below is a list of events the Counseling Department and College and Career Center offer to students and families throughout the school year.  Presentations, slides and recordings of the events can be found at the bottom of the page.

Upcoming Events:

Meet Your Counselor - Freshmen

Date: Tuesday, September 10th and Wednesday, September 11th: In-class presentations

The purpose of these meetings is for freshmen to understand the role of their school counselor and how they can utilize us for support. We are honored to work with our students during this valuable stage of growth during their teen years. We remain with our students all four years to support them in the realms of personal, social, academic, college/career planning and development. We also share with students that as school counselors, we are bound by confidentiality within the limits of the law, meaning that our communication is confidential unless there is reported abuse and harm to self or others, as we are mandated reporters. (Note: all school staff are mandated reporters.)

TAG Workshop

Date: TBD

Intended Audience: 12th and 12th grade both students and parents

COM will be leading this workshop, and explaining the Transfer Admissions Guarantee to students and families. 

Fit & Planning Night

Date: Wednesday, November 7th Time: 6:00 PM (Zoom)

Intended Audience: 10th and 11th grade both students and parents

The purpose of this event is to provide information such as resources for finding colleges that are a good fit, the college search/application timeline, and a short discussion about the different types of colleges to consider.  This will be followed up by an opportunity for questions and answers. This night is appropriate for junior students and their parents looking for information and guidance about the college search/application process.  Sophomores and their parents are also welcome to attend.

Application Support - Seniors - Hosted by Becky Bjursten and Counselors

Date: Every SMART period in Room 111 (College and Career Center) students must get a SMART pass to attend

Intended Audience:  This is a great opportunity for seniors to work on their college applications, ask questions, and get help with their essays or PIQs.

Navigating College Admission Testing (SAT/ACT) Night

Date: Wednesday, November 20th Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM (Zoom)

Intended audience:  10th and 11th grade students and parents

The purpose of this event is to provide an overview of SAT & ACT exams and to review how college testing plays a role in the admissions process.

Financial Aid Night  

Date: Wednesday, October 23rd (Zoom)

Intended Audience:  This is a great workshop for students and parents of current seniors (juniors are welcome for a preview to the senior year)

The purpose of this event is to prepare college-bound seniors and their parents for the financial aid application process, including the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), CA Dream Act Application, CSS Profile, Cal Grant, and scholarship opportunities.

Financial Aid Workshop

Date: To Be Determined - In-Person Event 

Additional support times: Every week our community partner, 10,000 Degrees is available to support students/parents completing the FAFSA and CADAA.  During these sessions, students can come to the College & Career Center for additional information and help with the process.

Intended Audience:  Senior Students and Parents (Class of 2025)

Staff will be on hand to assist students and parents in creating, completing and submitting the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or CA Dream Act Application

Course Advising Presentations

10th Grade Students: January 28th and 29th - In-class presentations

8th grade students and their parents: January 2025 Open House

College Application Night for Class of 2026 Parents

Date: Wednesday, May 15th Time: 6:00 PM (Zoom)

The purpose of this event is for junior parents to have an overview of the college application process (including community college), important dates and deadlines, and how our parents can join us in best supporting our rising seniors through this process with ease and efficiency. Counselors will have already completed individual Junior Conferences by this date.

Previous Events:

New Parent to Redwood Welcome Night Presentation (Slide Show)

Date: Tuesday, August 27th Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM Zoom 
Intended audience:  Parents of first-time 9th grader and transfer students

The purpose of this event is an orientation to the school counseling program and introduction to resources to help parents navigate the high school years with their teen.  Topics covered will include the role of the school counselor with high school students, social and emotional support services including stress and anxiety, academic pressures, substance use, and parent/teen communication.  There will be a Q&A session at the end.