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Peer Tutoring

Redwood Peer Tutoring 


Redwood Peer Tutoring is an ideal way to give back to your campus community. You can earn credits and identify peer tutoring as an ‘Academic’ activity on your college applications or community service.

Students who have been successful in their classes are encouraged to complete the Peer Tutoring Application. We need students to Peer Tutor in ALL subjects including, math, English Language Learner classes, and AVID.You will be a valuable resource to students who appreciate your help!

Peer Tutoring takes place;

In-Class--If you have an opening in your schedule, you can Peer Tutor during that period.

SMART- students can tutor within a specific SMART period to support students in any subject

After School Peer Tutoring- after school in the library, Mondays 3:35-4:30 from and Tuesdays from 3:45-4:30.

Peer Tutor Application

Complete the application, review the list of teachers looking for a Peer Tutor in Counseling, pick up the blue In-School Work Experience form, the form get completed with the teacher you will Peer Tutor this year. Training will be offered to support you.


Teachers who are looking for support within their classes, during SMART or within our after school program are welcome to complete the Request for a Peer Tutor to identify their need. We will post your position so Peer Tutors can see where there is a need for them.